Robert Mathis
Robert Mathis embarked on his professional journey immediately after high school, diving into the world of finance as a Commodities Trader at Osborne, Stern & Co. in Los Angeles. There, he distinguished himself through his adept evaluation of trading margin profitability, particularly in precious metals and foreign currencies. His prowess as a trader earned him widespread respect within the firm.
In 2002, Robert made a strategic transition to India Asset Funding, where he played a pivotal role in facilitating financing for small to mid-size private companies across the U.S., India, and Europe. His expertise in navigating complex strategic finance was instrumental across diverse industries, notably highlighted by his collaboration with Autoline Industries Ltd. within the automotive sector.
In 2007, Robert redirected his focus towards capitalizing oil industry ventures in the Bakken region. By 2014, he expanded his scope to projects in West Texas, with a primary emphasis on Saltwater Disposal facilities. Moreover, he played an active role in promoting oil barrels sourced from the Permian Basin, leveraging post-disposal and flow-back water resources.
Robert Mathis
Robert Mathis embarked on his professional journey immediately after high school, diving into the world of finance as a Commodities Trader at Osborne, Stern & Co. in Los Angeles. There, he distinguished himself through his adept evaluation of trading margin profitability, particularly in precious metals and foreign currencies. His prowess as a trader earned him widespread respect within the firm.
In 2002, Robert made a strategic transition to India Asset Funding, where he played a pivotal role in facilitating financing for small to mid-size private companies across the U.S., India, and Europe. His expertise in navigating complex strategic finance was instrumental across diverse industries, notably highlighted by his collaboration with Autoline Industries Ltd. within the automotive sector.
In 2007, Robert redirected his focus towards capitalizing oil industry ventures in the Bakken region. By 2014, he expanded his scope to projects in West Texas, with a primary emphasis on Saltwater Disposal facilities. Moreover, he played an active role in promoting oil barrels sourced from the Permian Basin, leveraging post-disposal and flow-back water resources.